YouTube masthead – COMING SOON TO YOUR SmartTV?

Back in 2015, masthead was a type of YouTube advertising available to only one advertiser per day, and the cost of this form of promotion was counted in hundreds of thousands of dollars. A lot has changed since then. The platform has moved to CPM model, which has significantly lowered the entry threshold, and recently the work on introducing masthead ads on TVs has been completed. Will masthead soon be a permanent feature of watching YT on TV?
Gallery ads – Overview of the possibilities

The Google Marketing Live 2019 conference, held in May last year, brought a lot of news to the giant from Mountain View offer. One of the innovations, which started in the beta phase at the end of last year, are Gallery Ads. This is a big shift, as until now Google has allowed visual ads practically exclusively through Google Display Network.
How to select key performance indicators in performance marketing?

Brandon Sanderson once said that it’s not the goal that matters, but the way you get to it. This may be true at some level of generality, but if you want to measure the effectiveness of your actions, you need an indicator that will tell you if the actions you take are delivering the desired result. A requirement for a reliable assessment is the selection of appropriate performance indicators (KPIs). Simply collecting data without interpreting it later is worth nothing at all.
Discovery Ads – Overview of the possibilities

Google is not slowing down when it comes to expanding its advertising offer. Recently, the advertising portfolio of the giant from Mountain View has expanded with Discovery Ads. It is an advertising format whose effectiveness will be supervised by, among others, artificial intelligence algorithms. What are Discovery Ads and why you should be interested in them? Read more!
Showcase shopping ads – Overview of the possibilities

Google is not slowing down. New advertising formats are appearing (we have already written about Discovery Ads and Gallery Ads), and existing solutions are undergoing major modifications (recent update of eCPC optimization). Another change in the Google checklist is the appearance of Showcase Shopping Ads. If you have an online store, then read on!